Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Home Grown Goodness

I LOVE to garden. When hubby and I first got married, we rented a small home with a smaller yard. There started my fixation on gardening. At that time, it was only flower gardening. I just wanted my home to look different from all the others.

A couple years later, we moved to a home with a little more than an acre. The landscaping was already very pretty with lots of flowers. My only job was to beautify more without ruining what was already there. I think I succeeded.

My favorite part has been learning the names of all the plants that grow around our yard. We are surrounded by wooded land and there are all kinds of wild things that grow next to our yard. I have learned uses for many of these things. For example, did you know you can make a salve out of jewel weed to put on poison ivy? It works extremely well! You can also take some of its flowers and rub it on mosquito bites and the itch leaves in seconds.

I have also tried vegetable gardening in the last couple of years. I can not explain to you the complete delightment that I get from growing something from a tiny seed, watering it, weeding around it, harvesting it, and then finally serving it with, or as, a meal and having my family relish it.

Have you ever tried fried pumpkin blossoms? It must be food of the angels. It tastes like a cross between a morel mushroom and a fried green tomato.

Do you like to garden?  What is your favorite home grown treat?


Unknown said...

Oh wow! My hubby would be soooo jealous of your garden! Those look amazing! Thank you for dropping by!

Oh Dear said...

Can I come over for dinner?
We are good to grow moss in the backyard. But our neighbors own a wonderful little farm that always abounds!

Annie H. said...

I absolutely LOVE to garden so it must be in the blood :D I love growing veggies with the children because they are more likely to try them plus it teaches them a skill they can use for life.